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Svartfjell - one of Cermaq's sites in Nordland, Norway
Svartfjell - one of Cermaq's sites in Nordland, Norway

Press release -

Our Q2 sustainability performance

Cermaq is the only aquaculture company that publishes quarterly performance for key sustainability indicators related to important fish health, environmental and social topics in our operations.

Highlights from the report for the second quarter (April-June) are:

  • The survival rate on a 12 months rolling rate was somewhat down in all region and were at 91- 92.2%
  • No fish escapes in Chile or Norway, whereas one single fish escaped in Canada during testing
  • Use of antibiotic is low in Norway, but concerning high in Chile due to SRS. Also in Canadatreatment increased.
  • OHS indicators reflect the strong focus in the organisation on improvement.

“Transparency is key to corporate responsibility. We know that our customers, NGOs and other stakeholders have interest in our current performance. Hence, we want to share the fresh information on our performance on key indicators in each of the regions”, says Wenche Grønbrekk, Head of Sustainability and Risk in Cermaq

Cermaq is strongly engaged in finding means to manage SRS, the disease causing the high use of antibiotics on Chile.

Through Cermaq’s own research we have identified field isolates which are being used for the development of a new vaccine, working on determine reservoirs, survival of the bacteria in sea water, screening broodfish and testing several vaccination strategies as well as QTL for SRS.

We are currently running test with the new Pharmaq live vaccine and will start a trial at the R&D Center in Colaco, to test the new custom made vaccine.

Cermaq also takes part in the Pincoy project, an industry initiative on how we by sharing best practices can reduce the risk of SRS outbreak at every stage of the production.

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Cermaq is one of the world's leading companies in farming of salmon and trout, with operations in Norway, Chile and Canada. Cermaq is a fully owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation with head office in Oslo, Norway.

Cermaq er en av de største aktørene i verden innen lakseoppdrett med virksomheter i Chile, Canada og Norge. Cermaq Group AS er et heleid datterselskap av Mitsubishi Corporation. Cermaqs hovedkontor ligger i Oslo.


Lars Galtung

Lars Galtung

Press contact Chief Communication and Sustainability Officer  +4798214812
Astrid Vik Aam

Astrid Vik Aam

Press contact Communications Manager +47 924 90 676