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Preparation of iFarm-pen for harvesting

The first iFarm fish on the way to market

The results from the harvest show high quality of the iFarm fish, which confirms that the health and welfare of the fish has been good in the iFarm net pens. The very first iFarm fish was stocked in Martnesvika sea site in the autumn of 2020.

Pedro Courard takes up the position as managing director of Cermaq Chile from 1 March.

Cermaq Chile announces new Managing Director

With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, Pedro Courard, current Production Director of the company, becomes the new Managing Director of Cermaq Chile. He replaces Steven Rafferty who becomes the new CEO of Cermaq Group, based in Oslo, Norway, starting 1 March 2022.
Pedro is an industrial civil engineer from the University of Chile and has an MBA from the University of Tulane, USA

Cermaq's head of global sales and marketing, Arild Aakre, looks forward to the time when we again can meet new and current customers and others at industry fairs.we can

Cermaq will not attend Seafood Expo North America in Boston in March

Cermaq regrets to announce that it has decided to not participate in the Seafood Expo North America in Boston in March due to the Covid situation.
During this challenging period, our focus has been our customers, managing uncertainty and being a reliable supplier. In the current situation we cannot risk that participation in Boston may have negative impact on our contingency and availability to

Cermaq researchers Cecilie Isachsen Lie, Helle Velle Mayer and Henrik Duesund mark fish for vaccination trials

Benchmark Animal Health and Cermaq receive funding from the Research Council of Norway for the development of Tenacibaculum vaccines for salmon

Mouth rot and tenacibaculosis represent a major issue for the health and welfare in farmed Atlantic salmon
Benchmark Animal Health, a leading aquaculture biotechnology company, and Cermaq Group AS, a world leading salmon farming company, announced receipt of NOK 4.2 million in funding from the  Research Council of Norway, to support a collaborative research project to develop a vaccine against

Sensorhouse being installed in one of the net pens at the sea site

The iFarm project aims to improve fish welfare with AI and machine learning – Now an entire sea site is equipped with iFarm setup for the first time

The iFarm project, which has been ongoing since January last year, is in its second phase. An entire sea site in Vesterålen, Norway is now equipped with an iFarm setup in all the net pens, after the fish was stocked there this autumn. The goal is to increase fish health and welfare with artificial intelligence and machine learning.

CEOs of the ten largest global seafood companies and leading scientists join forces to transition the global seafood sector

SeaBOS speeds up action for sustainable seafood

SeaBOS advanced in concerted drive for changes in the global seafood sector when CEOs from ten of the largest seafood companies in the world and leading scientists addressing climate action, antibiotics, IUU fisheries, endangered species and need for regulations.

Geir Molvik

An aquaculture pioneer steps down in Cermaq

Mr. Geir Molvik hands over the baton as CEO of Cermaq Group as he wishes Cermaq well and seeks to prioritize his time differently going forward. New CEO from March 2022 will be Steven Rafferty, current MD of Cermaq Chile.

Climate proofing aquaculture is both cutting our GHG emissions and implement effective adaptation and mitigation measures, says Wenche Grønbrekk.

Climate action and biodiversity at stake at COP 26

In the run up to COP 26, Cermaq joins UNs Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in engaging the private sector in climate proofing aquatic food systems. Blue Food is climate action and is needed both for human and planetary health.

As a leading company we have a responsibility to engage in the big picture, and are strongly motivated by the changes we are a part of and the power of working together, says Wenche Grønbrekk, Head of Sustainable Development in Cermaq

Global Compact report strengthens the role of seafood for successful ocean stewardship

When UN Global Compact is taking stock on the 5 tipping points for ocean stewardship, Cermaq highlight that the sustainable seafood is needed for human and planetary health. Today, Global Compact gathered private sector, academia, Governments and NGOS in an Ocean Stewardship Coalition to take stock on these tipping points.

The Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Seafood Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen (in the middle) congratulates Cermaq (Knut Ellekjær on the right) and Folla Alger (Tarald Sivertsen on the left) on the algae project

Cermaq cooperates with Norwegian start-up kelp producer

Cermaq and Folla Alger enter into an agreement on integrated salmon and kelp farming in collaboration with leading research environments in Norway. The companies will utilize nutrients from the salmon cages for farming kelp but will also develop kelp into a new feed raw material for salmon.

Cermaq will reduce the company's climate emissions with approximately 350 000 tonnes CO2e within 2030

Salmon producer Cermaq to cut 35 per cent of emissions

As salmon farmers, we have a great responsibility to contribute to a healthy ocean and cut our greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2030. More electric boats and facilities, renewable energy, climate-friendly transport and feed will be important measures.

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