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GSI sustainability report launched today.

GSI sustainability report launched today.

Cermaq, being an active partner in the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI), proudly shares the GSI press release on the launch of the sustainability report. The report includes data 14 sustainability metrics across 40% of global farmed salmon industry.

The  iFarm camera sensor being installed at the sea site Martnesvika in Nordland, Norway

The camera sensor for fish recognition in iFarm has been put into sea. The goal is to improve fish health and welfare by using artificial intelligence

Cermaq aims to use artificial intelligence and machine learning for facial recognition of each fish in a farming site. Providing each fish with a health certificate and being able to give each fish adapted follow-up, will secure fish health and welfare. Now, the first version of the iFarm sensor that will identify and recognize each fish has been put into sea.

Field of soybeans. Photo: BioMar

Suppliers to salmon industry lead the way to end deforestation in Brazil

The Brazilian soy suppliers to the salmon industry, CJ Selecta, Caramuru and Imcopa, will implement a 100 percent deforestation free soybean value chain with 2020 as their cut-off date. No soy grown on land deforested after this deadline will be traded.
This is a bold and historic move that sets a new benchmark for global sustainable supply chains. As a result, the majority of the global farmed

CEOs of world’s leading seafood companies commit to time-bound goals for a healthy ocean

CEOs of world’s leading seafood companies commit to time-bound goals for a healthy ocean

For the first time in the history of seafood production, ten of the largest seafood companies in the world have committed to a set of time-bound and measurable goals that will ensure the industry becomes more sustainable. The goals are the result of four years of dialogues through the science-industry initiative Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS).

The potential for farming of low-trophic species, including seaweed and kelp, is great, and species such as salmon will be an important vector for transforming novel sea protein via feed to nutritious and delicious food.

Cermaq supports the Ocean Panel – we give it 100%

The Ocean Panel has lancjed its report confirming the great potential for increased food production through aquaculture. Cermaq having engaged with the panel directly as Cermaq and also through SeaBOS and the Global Compact Ocean Platform, applauds the Ocean Panel. Cermaq is ready to deliver, supporting the achievement of the goals for sustainable development.

The iFarm five-year project is the first of its kind and will allow for an individualized fish approach to salmon farming. Now, the first fish have been transferred in Cermaq’s iFarm.

Cermaq aims to improve fish health and welfare with iFarm

Cermaq aims to improve fish health and welfare with iFarm. The five-year project is the first of its kind and will allow for an individualized fish approach to salmon farming. Now, the first fish have been transferred in Cermaq's iFarm.

CFO Ole Martin Grimsrud (left) and CTO Erlend Reiten (right)

Cermaq expands its management team and appoints new CFO

Mr. Ole Martin Grimsrud is appointed new CFO, and Mr. Erlend Reiten will take up a new position as Chief Transformation Officer (CTO). The changes apply from 1 September.
Ole Martin Grimsrud (43) is appointed as new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and takes up the position from 1 September. He comes from the position as CFO in Aker Solutions where he has had various leader positions since 2012. O

Cermaq's digital sustainability report can be found on

Cermaq’s activities to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals

In a new report, mainstream sustainability indicators are linked to key activities to meet the overarching global challenges of climate action, ocean health, biodiversity, reducing the footprint of food production and creating shared value.
In a new report, mainstream sustainability indicators are linked to key activities to meet the overarching global challenges of climate action, ocean health

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