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11th quarter of transparent reporting on sustainability performance

11th quarter of transparent reporting on sustainability performance

Each quarter we publish our key performance indicators for OHS, fish health and welfare, environmental impacts, and compliance. We believe that our consistent transparency builds trust. The performance for the quarter July-September 2018 can be found on

The SDGs were integrated in Cermaq’s strategy in 2016 and Cermaq was the first company to join this UN GC Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business. From left: Henrik Östblom (SRC), Geir Molvik and Wenche Grønbrekk (Cermaq).

UN GC Action Planform for Sustainable Ocean Business moves forward

The Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business, launched in June, has made a three year plan for its work on the role of the ocean in achieving the 17 sustainability goals, and with particular focus on SDG 14, Life below Water. Cermaq was the first company to join this Platform.

The CEOs from the ten member companies of SeaBOS together with representatives from Stockholm Resilience Centre

Global leaders in seafood step up its actions for ocean sustainability

SeaBOS is one of the partnerships where Cermaq engages to strengthen sustainability and meet the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This week the SeaBOS Companies met and agreed to increase their efforts to strengthen sustainable practices in the seafood industry.

A fish with good welfare is healthier, performs better and ultimately has better quality.

Cermaq introduces fish welfare policy

Cermaq has implemented a new fish welfare policy based on the framework and recommendations in the FishWell report. While Cermaq already reports on a broad set of fish health and welfare indicators, this is the first step towards developing KPIs for measuring fish welfare as defined in FishWell.

In Cermaq we screen our brood-stock to ensure that the eggs put into our fresh-water facilities are free from pathogens.

Why we screen our brood stock fish against pathogens

Pathogens causing disease come from the wild and impact wild and farmed fish. In Cermaq we screen our brood-stock to ensure that the eggs put into our fresh-water facilities are free from pathogens. Read about our screening programs.

iFarm er unik, og skiller seg fra alle andre utviklingstillatelser. Teknologien vil styrke konkurransekraften i eksisterende, kystnært oppdrett. Det vil skape arbeidsplasser langs kysten der folk bor.

Setter sin lit til statsråden

Oppdrettsselskapet Cermaq anker Fiskeridirektoratets beslutning om å tildele bare fire konsesjoner til utvikling av det nyskapende oppdrettssystemet iFarm, inn for departementet.

As the first business partner and a founding patron to the action platform. Cermaq has been active in the formation of the UN Global Compact Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business.

Cermaq welcomes the launch of UN Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business

As the first business partner and a founding patron to the action platform, Cermaq has been active in the formation of the UN Global Compact Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business. The action platform is launched today, on the World Oceans Day, at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

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