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Cermaq depends on healthy oceans to produce sustainable salmon, and we are committed to contributing to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Cermaq presents quarterly sustainability update for Q1

Steady sustainability performance characterizes this quarter. Cermaq, the most transparent sea food company globally, continues its commitment to contributing to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

Salmon farming contributes with workplaces and value creation in many coastal areas, here an illustration from Chiloe  in Chile

Sustainability report 2017 and Cermaq taking the lead on ocean sustainability

Contributing to meeting the UN sustainability goals is fundamental to Cermaq, and the report presents the sustainability performance in 2017, that when combined with Cermaq’s partnerships is essential to scale up the impact of Cermaq’s sustainability activities, including a new UN initiative on oceans.

The path to the future we all want – starts with transparency


THE PATH TO THE FUTURE WE ALL WANT – STARTS WITH TRANSPARENCY. The Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) continues on its pathway to a more sustainable future for aquaculture, today releasing its 5th set of transparent sustainability data via its online reporting platform.

The survival rate for our fish for the full year 2017 spanned from 94 % to 96% in our operating regions.

Continued high survival rate in all regions

Good fish health and low mortality are important in our salmon farming. The survival rate for our fish for the full year 2017 spanned from 94 % to 96% in our operating regions. Cermaq had no escapes in the last quarter of 2017, neither so far in 2018.

Ocean Action Platform was lauched at Cermaq head office. Minister of Trade and Industry Mr. Torbjørn Røe Isakasen no three from left.

Business Action Platform for Oceans announced today at Cermaq headquarters

UN Global Compact, The Norwegian Government, and engaged companies announced today the launch of the Business Action Platform for Oceans. For the first time business will take a leading role in addressing ocean sustainability in the UN. The platform will be formally based in the UN Global Compact, the private sector initiative of the UN.

Cermaq publishes quarterly sustainability results on key indicators related to fish health, environmental and social topics.

High fish survival rate in all regions

Good fish health and low mortality are important in our farming. The annual mortality in Cermaq’s global operations spans from 4 % to 6%. Although the relevance can be discussed, for comparison 6 % is the same level as the annual mortality in Norwegian lamb production*.

FlexiFarm is a floating closed containment system based on flow-through technology that advances closed containments to a new level.

Cermaq applies for 13 development licenses for FlexiFarm – closed containment systems with water treatment against infections

Cermaq aims to be leading in technology development that contributes to sustainable food production. FlexiFarm is a floating closed containment system based on flow-through technology. FlexiFarm strengthens the competitive advantages of fish farming in coastal areas and addresses the concerns raised by politicians, authorities, NGOs, our customers, and not at least by the industry itself.

iFarm is based on photo recognition of the fish and brings fish welfare and fish health to a new level as each fish is being individually monitored

iFarm will transform fish farming from stock management to individualized farming

The Directorate of Fisheries has found that Cermaq’s iFarm concept to be within the scope of the Norwegian development licenses system. Cermaq has applied for ten licenses to implement the technology that will reduce the environmental footprint of farming and bring fish welfare and fish health to a new level as each fish is being individually monitored.

Bendik Fyhn Terjesen has joined Cermaq as R&D Manager Innovation.

Advancing innovation in closed technologies

Bendik Fyhn Terjesen has joined Cermaq’s R&D team as Innovation Manager. He will focus on technologies for advanced controlling of farming including closed systems on shore and in the ocean.

Cermaq Norway's summer campaign removed 200 cubic meters or 200,000 litres of plastic, from our beaches in the region.

Summer temps clean beaches for plastic pollution

Cermaq Norway's summer campaign removed 200 cubic meters or 200,000 litres of plastic, from our beaches in the region. "The plastic campaign was a great success. We want to provide youth with working opportunities and cleaning beaches is important task. This is a win-win situation and we are definitely going to repeat this next summer" says HSE coordinator Torbjørn Hjerto.

Cermaq publishes quarterly sustainability results on key indicators related to fish health, environmental and social topics .

Robust sustainability performance in Cermaq last quarter

Cermaq has published quarterly sustainability results on key indicators related to fish health, environmental and social topics in our operations since beginning of 2016. The quarterly sustainability results for April - June show low mortality level; for the last 12 months 4.4 % in Norway, 5.9 % in Canada, and ranging between the three species from 3%-6.8% in Chile.

Seafood Intelligence has rated 36 salmonid companies and 11 fish feed companies on their transparency

Cermaq rated as the most transparent salmon farming company

Cermaq holds the # 1 position in Seafood Intelligence’s annual transparency benchmark report 2017. Cermaq is unique by having external assurance of its sustainability report and also publishing quarterly sustainability performance results.

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