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Categories: cermaq group

Cermaq will reduce the company's climate emissions with approximately 350 000 tonnes CO2e within 2030

Salmon producer Cermaq to cut 35 per cent of emissions

As salmon farmers, we have a great responsibility to contribute to a healthy ocean and cut our greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2030. More electric boats and facilities, renewable energy, climate-friendly transport and feed will be important measures.

CFO Ole Martin Grimsrud (left) and CTO Erlend Reiten (right)

Cermaq expands its management team and appoints new CFO

Mr. Ole Martin Grimsrud is appointed new CFO, and Mr. Erlend Reiten will take up a new position as Chief Transformation Officer (CTO). The changes apply from 1 September.
Ole Martin Grimsrud (43) is appointed as new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and takes up the position from 1 September. He comes from the position as CFO in Aker Solutions where he has had various leader positions since 2012. O