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Cermaq provides consistent reporting on eco-efficiency in feed, sea lice treatment, antibiotic use, ensuring joint transparency and aligned reporting through GSI
Cermaq provides consistent reporting on eco-efficiency in feed, sea lice treatment, antibiotic use, ensuring joint transparency and aligned reporting through GSI

Press release -

Global Salmon Initiative Launches 2023 Sustainability Report

With over 2,800 data points across 15 key sustainability metrics, GSI’s 11th annual Sustainability Report, provides over a decade's worth of transparent data from for all members in all regions.

The report underscores GSI's collective commitment to aligned, open-access reporting since its inception in 2013.

“The GSI sustainability reporting is a unique collaboration demonstrating transparency and core activities on sustainability. There has never been greater urgency to improve environmental footprint, fish health and fish welfare and reduce carbon emissions than now. With the GSI reporting you get insight into audited figures for calendar year 2023 on sustainability performance from many salmon companies,” says Lars Galtung, Chief Communication and Sustainability Officer.

With over 27,000 people employed worldwide by GSI members, collaboration is key to driving industry-wide change at speed and scale.

“By aligning data, GSI has common language and apples to apples comparisons to support decision making and collaboration,” says Jason Clay, Senior Vice President, Markets, World Wildlife Fund.

The 2023 GSI report outlines the environmental performance and nutritional profile of farm-raised salmon, allowing GSI members to not only demonstrate their contribution to sustainable food systems, but also hold themselves accountable to ambitious sustainability targets.

“Farmed salmon has a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of aquaculture sustainability and innovation. If any aquaculture species has the resources and energy behind it, it’s salmon. Farmed salmon can be the leader in sorting out some of aquaculture’s biggest sustainability challenges,” says Robert Jones, Director, Global Aquatic Food Systems, The Nature Conservancy (TNC).

While this year’s report demonstrates that the overall trends are moving in the right direction, there is more to be done.

“There is no hiding from the data. As a sector, we know now more than ever improvements need to be made and we know they need to happen quickly and in a meaningful way,” says Sophie Ryan, CEO GSI.

“As Cermaq from this year will adapt its company reporting towards the CRSD framework and aligned with our financial year from 1 April to 30 March, our sustainability report will be launched in the second half of 2024”, says Galtung.

The report is available at GSI’s website


Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) is a leadership initiative established in 2013 by global salmon farming CEOs focused on making significant progress on industry sustainability. Today, GSI comprises 22 companies that are fully committed to realizing a shared goal of providing a highly sustainable source of healthy food to feed a growing global population, whilst minimizing our environmental footprint, and continuing to improve our social contributions.

GSI member companies are Australis Seafoods S.A.; Bakkafrost; Blumar; Cermaq; Salmones Camanchaca SA; Empresas AquaChile; Grieg Seafood ASA; Huon Aquaculture, Multiexport Foods S.A.; Nova Sea AS; Salmones Austral; Salmones Aysen; Tassal; and Ventisqueros. GSI companies have a presence in Australia, Canada, Chile, Faroe Islands, Norway and the United Kingdom.

GSI also has a number of supply chain Associate Members in both the pharmaceutical and feed industries, including Benchmark Holdings plc; BioMar; Cargill; Elanco; Merck, Sharpe and Dohme (MSD) Animal Health; PHARMAQ; Salmofood; and Skretting.


Cermaq is a leading global salmon producer driving transition of our food system towards healthier and more climate-friendly food. Our approach is transparency, performance, and partnerships, setting ambitious climate goals, innovation for clean farming, and scaling impact and ripple effects through local and global partnerships.


Lars Galtung

Lars Galtung

Press contact Chief Communication and Sustainability Officer  +4798214812
Astrid Vik Aam

Astrid Vik Aam

Press contact Communications Manager +47 924 90 676