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Cermaq supports UN Global Goals

Press release -

Cermaq supports UN Global Goals

Cermaq joins key global business players in committing to support the UN sustainable development goals.

At the Business for Peace ceremony in Oslo today, Cermaq’s CEO Jon Hindar committed to a pledge together with other business leaders to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and calling upon peers to do the same.

The pledge made by the global business leaders is:

"The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to end poverty, combat climate change and fight injustice and inequality. By applying innovation, resources and expertise, I will pursue the business opportunities inherent in building a greener, more equitable and inclusive society. I am a business leader who knows that business cannot succeed in societies that fail. I will do my utmost to be businessworthy in all my efforts, and to tune my business to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. I call on my peers to do the same."

“Whereas salmon will not be the major contributor to end hunger, aquaculture is necessary to meet the growing demand for protein and ensure healthy diets for all. The salmon industry is already relatively advanced within aquaculture, and transfer of technology and practices to other forms of aquaculture can enhance the overall output and resource efficiency of global aquaculture. I will continue to work with my peers in the Global Salmon Initiative, engaged in our common agenda, in finding the best way forward to meet the meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals” says Jon Hindar.



Cermaq is one of the world's leading companies in farming of salmon and trout, with operations in Norway, Chile and Canada. Cermaq is a fully owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation with head office in Oslo, Norway.

Cermaq er en av de største aktørene i verden innen lakseoppdrett med virksomheter i Chile, Canada og Norge. Cermaq Group AS er et heleid datterselskap av Mitsubishi Corporation. Cermaqs hovedkontor ligger i Oslo.


Lars Galtung

Lars Galtung

Press contact Chief Communication and Sustainability Officer  +4798214812
Astrid Vik Aam

Astrid Vik Aam

Press contact Communications Manager +47 924 90 676