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Cermaq has stocked fish in the third version of iFarm

Cermaq has stocked fish in the third version of iFarm

The iFarm project aims to improve the health and welfare of the fish in the net pens with the help of artificial intelligence. Fish have now been stocked for the third time in iFarm-net pens, and in this phase the focus is on machine learning.

We fear that reduced investments and projects on hold will result in lower activity and risk of layoffs in the supplier industry, says Chief Sustainability Officer in Cermaq Group, Lars Galtung

Cermaq terminates purchased farming permits

Cermaq terminates purchased farming permits. When the proposal for resource rent tax for aquaculture was presented, the authorities opened for returning permits purchased at fixed prices in 2022. Cermaq therefore terminates the purchase of 669 tons MAB at a value of NOK 134 million.

Sea the Solution

Sea the Solution

The use of the ocean by many industries has not sufficiently respected the multiple roles and complex biodiversity in the ocean, Cermaq recognizes in launching Sea the Solution. As research unfolds fact and casual relationships, we are better positioned to move from harm to harmony. And we must all take part.

Industry settlement in US civil anti-trust litigation

Reference is made to the previously disclosed class-action complaints in the US against Cermaq and five other producers and/or sellers of Norwegian salmon (together with certain of their subsidiaries) (collectively referred to as the Defendants), over claims concerning anti-competitive behaviour. While all Defendants reject that there is any basis for the claims and consider the complaints to be e

Farming of seafood has enormous potential for increasing healthy food production with little carbon footprint

How does IPCC support salmon farming?

by Lars Galtung
Director Communication and Sustainability
Our planet faces multiple and urgent problems, and the recent report from UN panel IPCC affects us all; as consumers, and local citizens, and it brings clear messages to our politicians.
Climate changes are already here
The climate changes impact us, and they impact the earth's ability to produce food in the future. We must re

 Consumers have experienced how easy it is to prepare salmon for everyday meals as well as for special occasions.

Has Covid permanently lifted salmon demand?

Consumers seem to have embraced salmon as a convenient and healthy food for home preparation. The strong rise in home consumption of salmon was a response to the restrictions or close-down of restaurant and outdoor dining. Now as society opens up the retail sales remains high.

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